12 December 2011

Tiny Antlers

Yes, the title of this piece is intended to tickle the bottom of long term memory; sounds kind of familiar, I guess I should read it. Alas, Elton John (so far as anyone knows) has nothing to do with Obambi. Elton cared about a tiny dancer.

Obambi, last night, displayed a smidgeon a spunk. Not enough to get me convinced he'll do what's needed. He *still* allowed himself to be portrayed as the sole re-distributor, ignoring the record of the Right Wingnuts since Reagan, who saw to it that the 1%-ers (and the far more evil .1%-ers) got rich while the rest got poor.

The numbers that matter: for 22 of the 28 years from Reagan to BushII, the Right Wingnuts controlled at 3 of the 4 branches of the US government. That's a fact. In that time, through law making and activist judges (not the least, the Supremes), they put a severe tilt in the economic policy landscape.

Unless, and until, Obambi tells that story, he'll be toast. He can't continue to allow himself to be played for Stepin Fetchit.

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