21 September 2022

I'm Back

Well... it turns out that fixing a fucked up Ubuntu upgrade can be salvaged. It's not possible to do it by hand, following the various recipes available on the innterTubes, for the fucked up reason that the programs/functions one needs (using just the live-USB Ubuntu) can't be built to the USB.

But, if you have access to the innterTubes with some other machine, then this program (with some help from Window's World linux support) will allow you to fix a busted MBR. It also claims to work for UEFI issues, and trolling the innterTubes finds posting attesting. There was a time, lo these many years, when I had to fix machines at the store front (for-profit, of course) 'computer school' where I taught the illiterate, unwashed, and often court-compelled, Office Automation (the term not yet au courant). The tool of choice was Norton Disk Doctor. Ah the days of PC/MS DoS.

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