24 April 2023

Birs of a Feather, And All That - part the second

First there was Faux News running scardey cat from their viewers for the unforgivable sin of calling Arizona for Sleepy Joe before the other broadcasters. It was a correct assessment, but the knuckledraggers who make up the Faux News viewership would have none of such betrayal. Now, no surprise I suppose, but Bud Light has come under the same fire for adverting a trans influencer, whom I've never heard of. It's worth keeping in mind that the MAGA crowd is about 25% of the GOP. The only way they win is by pulling off a minority rule coup. Wait... haven't they tried that already? Just what the USofA needs, a damn gummint made up of stupid people.

There's been a spate of reporting in the last few days that GOP controlled state gummints are increasing the height of hurdles to citizens making law or state constituional change, to protect abortion 'rights'. Who wooda thunk the party of State's Rights could do such a thing?

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