19 June 2023

Stupid White People - part the first

As the saying goes, "ignorance is curable, stupid is forever".

Just met this interview from Barbara Kingsolver. The name is a bit familiar, but I've not read anything by her. Having read the piece, it's just about zero likely I ever will. Here's why
She is also surprisingly angry. "I understand why rural people are so mad they want to blow up the system," she says. "That contempt of urban culture for half the country. I feel like I'm an ambassador between these worlds, trying to explain that if you want to have a conversation you don't start it with the words, 'You idiot.'"
Proving just how stupid you are. It's The System that sends billions of dollars from Uncle Sugar to ameliorate the conditions of poverty, bad health, and lousy education that the bidnezz friendly corrupt politicians you idiots continue to elect. Said politicians have no interest in lifting your populations out of poverty, ill health, and lousy education. Kind of the plantation society that supposedly ended a hundred or so years ago. By the way, the Loving decision wasn't until 1967. I'll bet you folks are still angry at such dictatorial wokeness. May be you all can get this new and improved Supremes to re-instate the law? The decision was, after all, based on the egregious fig leaf of 14th Amendment protection. We all know there is no such a thing. Thomas is out to undo all 14th Amendment decisions which grant more freedom to citizens. I'll bet you can't wait.

But what you clearly doesn't understand is that people from shithole states are in such bad shape just because you continue to elect fascists who are intent on keeping your populations poor, sick, and stupid. So you morons blame city folk for being smarter, and not electing such fascists. I've mentioned this before: there was a time when lower class working poor parents were proud and happy when their children got a proper education and moved up in life. Not anymore. Now you morons see to it that your children remain poor, sick and just as stupid as Ma and Pa while blaming your lot on folks who've done the right thing. This is a lousy way to run a country.

She just doesn't get it.
"We are the last demographic that progressive people still mock with impunity."
Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, wimins, LGBTQ, and similar are born that way; they don't have the option to become an old, white, grievence ridden, sub-GED, rural guy. If it weren't for progressive people's alms to you poor, uneducated, hillbillies, as bad as you feel about the quality of your lives (and who to blame) it'd be a whole lot worse.

And why not? The Red states are welfare queens, living better on the benefits of Uncle Sugar (Blue state taxpayers), and blaming the progressives for your lot. It would be a lot worse if you had to support yourselves on your own. You buy Batshit J. Moron's bullshit about the evils of the Coastal states, of course. Your plight can't possibly be the result of continually electing bidnezz friendly corrupt politicians, now can it? If there had never been FDR, you'd still be without piped water, sewers, roads, and the other amenities of modern life. You're the worst kind of ingrates.

Your people have earned the mockery. Your people aggressively mock education, expertise, and anything else intellectual. I'll bet that you, and your people, still believe that Scopes was properly found guilty. You want to return to the wonderful days of the 19th (may be, 18th) century. Slavery made a better life for Black folks, after all.
For years she had been thinking of this big story she wanted to write "but that nobody wanted to hear", not just about the prescription drugs crisis, but the generations of exploitation and institutional poverty, the plundering of the region for timber, coal and tobacco leading up to it.
Here's a pile of data on education by county (and other) in Virginia. It's not a pretty picture. The innterTubes says Kingsolver lives in Washington County, which is the 11th uneducated (No H.S. Diploma) county in the state; if you cursor over the map of southwestern Virginia, you see that Washington County is the over-achiever in it's corner of the state. It ain't Northern Virginia. And every reason to conclude that rural Virginians are quite happy being stupid. In the interview, she makes a, hopefully, sarcastic remark that someone in a Trump truck will just shoot them. I'd bet on it.

And what of the Compassionate Republican Youngkin?? Not so much.

How did all that happen? Because you imbeciles elected corrupt bidnezz friendly politicians who exploited your hidebound view of life. And you keep doing it. And you keep bitching about your lot in life. And having your abject stupidity made fun of. The situation will only change when you make sure your kids are properly educated, and vote for folks who will see to it. If you don't, nothing will change. You'll still live off the generosity of Uncle Sugar, and cast blame on the Blue state taxpayers.

There's a reason the Blue coastal states are better places to live. Get with the program. You're at least a century late, but you've got to start some time.

Where are you now? The wiki says you're properly educated, and you claim to be a non-Republican, yet you've produced a screed that's aimed at inflaming the persecuted, grievence laden, uneducated, shithole county White people who largely live off the good graces of the Damn Gummint. The Orange Traitor couldn't do better.

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