05 December 2024

Judges Make Law

The Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts continually bleat that judges, liberals and progressives, are always 'making law' that should be done by legislatures, preferably in Red States. So now we have transgender status before the The Gang of Six©. And, as one might expect from the righteous and God fearing, Roberts et al claim no jurisdiction.
We might think that we can do just as good a job with respect to the evidence here as Tennessee or anybody else, but my understanding is that the Constitution leaves that question to the people's representatives rather than to nine people, none of whom is a doctor.
-- Roberts
As if hillybilly part-time legislators in those wonderful Red States are? There are 10 states with full-time legislatures, and only one might be sort of Red, Ohio. The rest just show up every now and again after walking behind their mule plow. Since when does being a politician make one expert on each and every technical nuance of human life? Well, the Garfield 2.0 and his mob consider themselves to be such experts. Better than the actually trained and experienced ones on Earth One. Damn Deep State educated elites. "Ever ting I no or need to no I gots from ma Bible!1"

So, how many qualified physicians are there in DC? Enquiring minds need to know. According to the wiki page, only 3 could possibly be qualified to be 'expert' on the nuance of childhood transgender issues. That's it.

[Y]ou could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.
-- Hillary Clinton/2016

Damn right.

JAMA actually did the count at the state level, for 2022: 86 of 7552. We don't know how many of them are just country sawbones fixing gunshot wounds.

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