06 February 2025

Thought For The Day - 6 February 2025

OK, let me get this straight. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) wants to give his (white) billionaire (and, may be, if they're nice to him, millionaire) buddies phat refunds, even phatter than the one he gave them last time.

And to do this, he's going to take money from starving Black kids, and some brown and yellow ones, in all those shithole countries he complained about the last rodeo? Will he still feed starving Norwegian kids? One of, likely the only one that works, ways to keep the Domino Theory (Nam, look it up) from playing out is to lift the boots off the necks of poor starving Black kids. Revolts happen when playing by the rules in a rigged game becomes obvious. Empty bellies make people angry.

It's worth remembering that American Gunboat Diplomacy, protecting American companies south of the border from the governments of the countries they occupy, is what led to (and still does) countervailing dictatorship.

The utter stupidity of the MAGAnauts is breathtaking. I guess they still believe that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and The Musk Ox really, really are looking out for them.

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