19 November 2010

Saturday Night Social

The first rule of capitalism:  seek to socialize cost and privatize profit.  On further refraction, that's the only rule; all other behaviours are in furtherance of it.

So, over the last week, we find that FDA is listening to some part of the country and takes a draw a line in the sand stance with regard to the alcohol/caffeine drinks.  But no good deed goes unpunished.  The Redneck Tea Baggers go have a shit fit.  The Gummint is telling us what we can do!!!!!!

Fine.  Do what you want, but the new rule:  if your behaviour leads to costs, you don't get the service.  Doesn't matter if you have "insurance", you don't get medical aid, since doing so raises the price for everybody.  You bad, you die.  If you down a six pack of Four Loko, wipe out your Pinto, and wind up in a coma, you don't get any further medical service.  If you can't eat, you die.  If you can't breathe, you die.  And so forth.  If the makers of Four Loko decide to pay for some medical aid, well they should, shouldn't they?  You ended up in the hospital because of their shit. 

Same goes for idiots ride motorcycles without a helmet.  Crash, and you get left by the side of the road.  Take care of yourself.  Odd, but the Tea Baggers never seem to make the connection, from Dot A to Dot B. 

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