20 June 2018

Not On My Watch

The outrage over asylum seekers' treatment by Orange Julius Caesar and his xenophobic cabal is genuine. But the wailing that "this isn't America" and such is nonsense. For most of its history, my country has been xenophobic and racist. Moreover, fish belly white folks, who came from countries considered lower than England and Scotland, the Irish as one example, got what Orange Julius Caesar is dishing out today. (This is source.)
Many native-born Americans claimed that "their incessant childbearing [would] ensure an Irish political takeover of American cities [and that] Catholicism would become the reigning faith of the hitherto Protestant nation."

Sound just the bit familiar? Do you want Muslims and brown people taking your country away from you? This is not new. If you don't read the wiki article through, that was in the mid-1800s during the Irish potato failure. For much of the 1800s, job postings carried, not EOE, but NINA. No Irish Need Apply. Orange Julius Caesar is just channeling age old xenophobia.

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