01 January 2023

The Case for The Donald

As I type here on New Year's Day, Kevin and the RRW have yet to kiss and make up. What to do? What to do?

I am among those who've heard that the Constitution makes no requirement that the Speaker of the House be a member of the House. How weird is that? Well, not so weird according to some of what I've read here on the innterTubes. Some assert that the Speaker is not just another partisan hack, but a non-partisan arbiter of the conduct of House business. I can find no report that any Speaker has been anything but a Partisan Hack.

But, s/he doesn't have to be.

The perfect, for some definition of perfection, candidate is wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024. Ok, you're freaking out. Hear me out.

First, appointing Trump Speaker keeps him occupied. He may, for some definition of may, learn what governing is all about. Not highly likely, but still.

Second, it is yet another argument against prosecuting the bastard for both the Insurrection and Classified Thievery. He is gonna need some protection against the Kryponite, you know; well, if Garland discovers a pair where they've not been. The first argument is that he's running as a Presidential candidate, and is thus prohibited from being charged.

Third, Kevin is a member of the RRW, just tries to fake it as a Wise Legislator. Putting Batshit J. Moron as Speaker frees Kevin up to go whole hog with the RRW. And, not insignificantly, cements exPresident Mumford as Hitler of the American White Supremacy Party. By this point, all that mumbo jumbo about being on the side of Joe Six Pack only works for the dumbest of the dumb.

Fourth, the RRW wouldn't dare invoke the 'one member Move to Vacate' that Greene/Boebert/et al are so dear to have at hand (to flog Kevin daily), so the AWSP will, at the least, project some semblance of stability. Until they get totally wiped out in 2024. Assuming The Orange Trickster doesn't keel dead over with a heart attack first. All those cheap hamburgers have to catch up with him at some point.

Fifth (and finally), reporting on his histrionics every day will keep to a minimum the revelations that he's neither as rich as he claims, nor as astute a bidnezzman as he also claims. He lives off of Uncle Sugar's good graces. And sales of many properties he got from Daddy. Such a loser. "Please, please; don't look behind that curtain!!"

Since this typing exercise we get this reporting (7:45 PM EST):
However, later in the call, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz — one of the five "hard no" votes for McCarthy — said they would not back McCarthy, despite all the concessions.
"Draft The Donald!!" will be heard far and wide.

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