06 March 2023

See Saw Marjorie Dumb

She do see saw, mostly to the far right and consequent loss of balance. Not that she cares. Anyway, the subject of this missive is the Blue States' Burden, aka Red States. Studies over the decades have found that the movement of moolah from states to DC and back to states has the Red States in significant surplus. That's a burden on the productive Blue States.

But, for now, let's just look at FEMA. Natural catastrophes tend to occur in Red States, and thus they get lots of Uncle Sugar's moolah. Let's see, if the data is easily available, how far the see saw weighs down toward the Red States.

While not as complete as one might like, this report has parsed some of FEMA's data. As you can see from the bargraph, it's mostly Red States in the top 10. Who wooda thunk it?

California is there largely on the basis of power company wildfires and the rain/drought cycle from the Pacific.
Just three months before the latest wild weather hit, researchers at the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research released a study warning that climate warming has already doubled the risk of a weeks-long extreme storm sequence capable of producing a California mega-flood.
One would be hard-pressed to blame that rain disaster on lame brain Woke Californians.

Say good bye to all that help, MTG.

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