15 January 2020

You Go Girl

By now any of dear readers who are even a little interested in hoops knows about the new CBA twixt the WNBA and the players. The top-line reporting is that average contract value will go up by a bunch. Some reporting said double. Some reporting said that the double was for the stars. What surprised the hell out of me is that a sports pundit actually gets it. I don't keep a pad and pen around when I watch the TeeVee, generally, so I can't guarantee that I get this exactly right.

Yesterday, Pablo Torre on 'High Noon' did his punditry about the CBA, and took some exception to the reporting. He stated, correctly, that average (mean) salary boost doesn't reflect the real impact. He actually said, "median"!! And he didn't even bother to explain the difference. Now, here's what the wiki says about his background (before I go, I'm going to guess some post-graduate...):
He graduated from Harvard College magna cum laude with a degree in sociology in 2007, and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

OK, not a Ph.D. or J.D.. But I'm going to guess at least one class in social science stats. My first wife's mother was a Phi Bet at Middlebury. I was at dinner at their house one evening when it was revealed; the kids were all adults by that point and never knew growing up. I never did find out why it was such a secret.

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