11 March 2020

This is How

Early on in the Covid-19 infection, the The Manchurian President said it would soon go to zero, and the experts guesstimated that the transfer rate would be 2 or 3 per infected person, based largely on the 'fact' that Covid-19 infected people were contagious for about 2 weeks prior to symptoms. This contagion rate was enough for the epidemiologists to expect widespread infection.

Boy, were they optimistic. How about 50 per?? Now, this may be the exception rather than the norm for Covid-19. He's a Jewish man, and the stereotype is a 'close knit' community and all that. Which, stereotypically, means lots of close contact. From the report, what happened doesn't seem out of norm for any middle-class person.

50. And we have a fucking moron president trying to convince his idiot followers that all is well, and that it's all a Democrat hoax anyway.

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