25 November 2020

Parallax View - part the thirty third dot five

Another mid-week's up, so here are today's numbers:
  >= 1,000 -   761 
100 to 999 - 1,808 
(New) grand total of counties reads at 3,130. While I've not gotten into an argument with the Topo folks over this re-definition of 'affected' counties, it certainly looks like a move to bolster wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024's perpetual lying.

There are now four routes from Sea to Shining Sea.

Another week where an unscheduled update begged for existence. Earlier in the week, one connection (they're all arrayed from Texas to Canada) was lost, so down to three. It looked like, as one might assume, may haps the Red states were getting with the program. Alas, no. Today there are five connections in the plains states. It's only a guess whether they'll stabilize, or whether one or two will drop below the threshold. I'd bet against that, of course. The pincer movement, from SoCal driving northeast and the Deep South driving northwest, mentioned many episodes ago has taken the territory (all but a handful of counties) at the 25 case threshold for some time. If it works at 100, well...

Given that all the red blooded Americans are 'headed home' for Thanksgiving, free to infect far and wide, what's your estimate of the odds more of those counties reach 100 within the next month? Yet more bridges to connect Covid from Sea to Shining Sea. With a little bit of luck, you could chose any interstate that your heart desires, and get across country in truly sick counties. Just don't stop to meet and greet the natives.

These connections are through, relatively, low population counties in low population states, modulo Texas, which has lots and lots of sparsely populated territory (Map 3); but more Big Blue Cities than the shitkicker folks would like. "Voters? We don't need no stinkin voters!!!" One can see how Texas is headed toward an intramural revolution in due time; shitkickers try to drive out the city slickers. But that's another episode. For these purposes, if all those counties, arrayed from south to north, reach the 100 count threshold, we's in big trouble Huck.

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