23 May 2024

Thought For The Day - 23 May 2024

So, not too surprisingly, we have the Yellow Belly Jesus now claiming that the FBI went to Mar-a-Lago to assassinate him, under cover of a document search. Now, the only question is: do you the average intelligent reader consider this latest bit of theater just another example of the random misfiring of neurons in wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024's brain another random step in burning the Riechstag (American style) to incite the sub-GED base of the Cult Party or the next step in a plan to install Xi Donjon?

The answer, of course, is that someone (likely not Alzheimer's Ronnie, II) devised this plan of incremental escalation for which neither the Constitution nor the current structure of Congress is designed to endure. Boiling a frog, dictatorship style.

Not for nuthin, if the Supremes decide that The President, Sleepy Joe at the moment, is totally immune, than Seal Team Six should off the Orange Asshole. Be careful what you wish for.

The Brits had Mad King George. We've got Batshit J. Moron.

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