17 September 2024

Future Transcript - part the first

Now that Bone Spur Samurai© and Just Dumb Vance© have been playing the poor victim of the Lefties, wrt attempts of Off Bone Spur Samurai©, I've found a transcript of part of a rally speech from Commie Law and the Junk Yard Dog© to be given on 31 September, in Tulsa, OK.


My fellow Americans and Red Neck Sooners, the time has come to stop the bullshit surrounding the two, so far, attempts on Bone Spur Samurai©. To be clear, the perps were not, nor ever were, Libs from shithole Blue States. No, in point of fact, they were/are died in the Rock Ribbed Red MAGA wool whackoes. What we don't yet know about their motives. It's clear that a disaffected Evangelical Radical Right Wingnut would only drift so far away from Bone Spur Samurai© to feel the need to off the bastard with some deep provocation.

It would appear that there's really only three possibilites:
-- Bone Spur Samurai© has not gone unhinged enough that the perp has to take revenge
-- Bone Spur Samurai© has sucked Vlad's dick so much in Ukraine ...
-- Bone Spur Samurai© has caved to the Deep State and gone all soft in the middle (well, metaphorically of course; he's Jabba the Hut IRL) so ...

So, Bone Spur Samurai© shut the hell up. Just be thankful that a real marksman from one of those shithole countries that you keep pissing on, doesn't see to it that you get your just desserts.

USA!! USA!!! USA!!!! Bomb Moscow back to the Stone Age! We know how to do that!!

really dumb
-- Jonah Goldberg/2024

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