11 October 2024

Junk Yard

Commie Law and the Junk Yard Dog© is a recent title. The latter is Walz, of course. His latest contretemps is the call to get rid of the Electoral College. The sort of bomb throwing one expects from the Junk Yard Dog. Not quite on the level of MTG's assertion that Sleepy Joe and Commie Law have been engineering hurricanes to devastate Red Counties just before the election. Get the hell out of Hurricane Alley. Blowback has ensued.

Today brings new reporting of backpedaling. Ah well.

But the notion boils down to the simple choice: do you want a Damn Gummint run by chucklehead hillbillies? They'll steal all the moolah from the Rest of Us to pay for living in Tornado Alley, Hurricane Alley, filthy Hollers, and any Desert they can find (with myriad water guzzling golf courses, of course; water supplied by the Great Lakes). And insisting that Earth is 6,000 years old and must be taught to first graders. Who don't get lethal vaccinations, of course.

Sleepy Joe squeaked out an EC win, but with 7,059,526 more total votes than Alzheimer's Ronnie, II. Covfefe!

The EC was created for the same reason as the 3/5 thing: to bring along the slave states, and guarantee them more than one-man-one-vote. It's right up their with the rule for deciding a tied EC: the House votes the President, but not on the House seat count, but by states, which just happen to be more MAGA. That's quite a catch, that Catch 22.

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