10 March 2025

A Test of Will

So, we've been hearing the bleating from the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts about how the EU is taking the poor ole USofA to the cleaners by them not funding NATO 'enough'. May be. May be not. But it is true that the USofA has been shipping materiel to Europe to a faretheewell, at least since the invasion of Ukraine.

Well... here's the test. Will shitler and muskrat©dugugotw 'support' Ukraine by limiting the export of materiel to any EU nation? Ya know, France or Germany buys and transship to Kyiv? It's obvious to even the most casual observer that Bone Spur Samurai© means to carve up the greater West with Vlad The Impaler: he takes Europe, Bone Spur Samurai© takes the Americas (I guess including the Gulf?).

Won't that be a fun world to live in?

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