01 February 2011

It Can't Happen Here (well.........)

Just a short note.

A, perhaps The, common thread among the reports from Tunisia, Egypt, and (perhaps, don't know yet) Jordan is the driving force behind these riots/protests/revolts.  It is unemployment.  Particularly of university educated young males.  The worst kind of bait and switch:  spend all that time (although not so much money; as I recall, education for those that get it is largely state funded) to be Somebody, only to be kicked to the curb.  Remember all those old movies with the street peddler with his donkey cart, and the carrot dangling from a stick in front of the donkey?  To get the beast to move down the street?  You don't??  Well, yes that's the way it goes. 

It will happen here, too; although whether the American Younger Generation has the gonads of their ancestors from the 60's is questionable.  That generation was protesting a stupid war, and the current generation doesn't seem to mind stupid wars.  The main difference being, I assert, that in the 60's the draft required all to risk getting shot, while today it's a Christian Soldiers Army going off to battle Islam because That Is The Right Thing To Do.  No, recruiters have to skirt (love the irony in that connotation) the religious motivation, be subtle about it.  That the Christian Right has taken over the top ranks of the American Military is so well documented, I rest on the assertion.

Will we see the class revolt here?  I suspect so.  The ranks of the 99-ers continues to swell.  All those university educated kids continue to be without work, all the while a few, a la Zuckerburg rake in billions for building nothing more than Flesh Lites of the psyche.  Between them and the banksters and brokers who add nothing substantive to the economy, eventually even the slow folks will figure out that it ain't the damn unions that have done this.  They ain't enough union folks to have done this.  Twenty eight years from Reagan to the end of BushII, and median income hasn't budged upward (except during Clinton, and BushII took that little bit back).

Will it be worse than Kent State?  I suspect so, too.  Remember, those Christian Soldiers are fatter, dumber, and far more racist than their counterparts in the 60's.  They'll enjoy plinking off those elite college kids. 

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