25 September 2012

Are We There Yet?

(A post on Seeking Alpha, to which I had commented, came up with a stream of new comments. I was moved to add another, which is included here for your amusement. The subject was the future of smartphones, and Apple's place in that future with the 5 as exemplar.)

Given that the US is 5% of the planet's population, eating up 24% of the world's resources, the arithmetic for the ROW becoming like us can't work, and it will cease to work kind of soon, even for the US. As concentration of income/wealth has accelerated, the top 1% will be the only ones who can afford such toys. Note that Apple doesn't make very much, they're an assembler.

Kind of reminds me of Port Au Prince (long before the earthquake): all those big houses with high stone walls with broken glass in the top. With circuit integration continuing, Apple won't have much advantage. Some have noted that what Apple did was morph the cell phone into a portable entertainment device. Having done that, someone, even Apple, needs to morph it again to gain advantage. Good luck with that.

Perhaps a portable "real" gambling machine, so you can squander money on the way to work? Now THAT would put all those Right Wing Christian Capitalists into a real boiling pot of oil: moolah or morals? moolah or morals? Which should it be?

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