20 November 2023

Good Omen? Bad Omen?

Well, it is announced that Milei is Dear Leader of Argentina. An acolyte of Bone Spur Samurai, who claimed that if he didn't win, it had to be because the election was rigged.
He had warned that if he lost on Sunday, it may have been because the vote was stolen. After signs emerged on Sunday that he would win, Mr. Milei's campaign told reporters that the election was clean.
Now, one need note that he was behind in polling before the run-off. May haps he used Chinese smart thermostats and Italian satellites to switch votes?

What's the omen, from the USofA point of view of course? Good: Milei has a year to show what a Trumpian can do to an economy and society; nothing good except for the moneyed elite. Bad: he doesn't get to do all the venal things he wants, and the result is ambiguous.

Chief among his promises is No New Taxes, just like Poppy Bush. Of course, as in the USofA, only the little people pay taxes, thus only the little people support governance. Remove what support there is for the underclass, and revolt is possible. We'll see.

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