10 November 2023

Roe, Roe, Roe Your Gat

Well, boy howdy!! Now that the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts have caught the anti-choice dump truck after all these decades, what's next?? Note that the latest Gallup numbers shows a mere 13% for some kind of absolute ban. Yet, the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts cling to the 'belief' that they're the only righteous folks. This from Ohio
While lawmakers cannot directly change the amendment through legislation, Speaker of the Ohio House Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) said, "As a 100% pro-life conservative, I remain steadfastly committed to protecting life, and that commitment is unwavering. The legislature has multiple paths that we will explore to continue to protect innocent life. This is not the end of the conversation."
Of course, these self-same Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts are against things like free school lunches; can't have poor folks feeding at the government trough.

So, what's the next? Gun laws, of course. Where do the American People stand? Well, about the same as Choice. Gallup, to no surprise, has numbers for that, too. A mere 10% want less strict gun control. How's that for a dump truck worth chasing? As one might expect, for such a triggering subject (sarcasm intended, of course), the pro-death squad hates the notion of widespread, accurate data on civilian defensive gun use (DGU), thus there are fighting numbers. Oh well. So, here's one effort.
According to the most recent firearms violence report, published in April, 2 percent of victims of nonfatal violent crime — that includes rape, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault — and 1 percent of property crime victims use guns in self-defense.
Other numbers are even murkier: suicides, neighbor-on-neighbor disputes, spousal homicides, and so on.
suicide = 26,993
neighbors = no simple number to be found, but the report sheds a good deal of light
If you grew up in the coal mining region of eastern Pennsylvania your chance of dying of a gunshot is about half that if you grew up in the coalfields of West Virginia, three hundred miles to the southwest.
spousal homicides = 70/month (2019)

So, yeah... We need more pistol packing mamas.

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