09 July 2024

Da Bottom is in Dee Basement - part the first

Yet another series, this one devoted to the debasing of America by The Orange Trickster. A few years too late, to be sure.

Anyway, today's NYT relates how middle schoolers have taken The Orange Trickster's verbal assault (not counting the 6 Jan incident) to TikTok.
In the days that followed, some 20 educators —€about one quarter of the school's faculty —€discovered they were victims of fake teacher accounts rife with pedophilia innuendo, racist memes, homophobia and made-up sexual hookups among teachers.
And, of course, it gets worse. Way worse.
But the school district said it had limited options to respond. Courts generally protect students' rights to off-campus free speech, including parodying or disparaging educators online — unless the students' posts threaten others or disrupt school.

"While we wish we could do more to hold students accountable, we are legally limited in what action we can take when students communicate off campus during nonschool hours on personal devices," Daniel Goffredo, the district's superintendent, said in a statement.
Students can assault teachers, but they can't protect themselves. What a country! Now, Malvern is one of the hoity-toity mainline rich suburbs of Philly. Not exactly inner city gangstas.

I guess the kids didn't get it
Malvern precinct chose Biden over Trump. Biden took 66.73 percent of Malvern votes, with 35.67 percent of the vote going to Trump.
If I paid close enough attention (and subscribed to a few dozen newspapers), I could write an installment for the series every day. That would be enervating.

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