07 June 2023

Skill Killer

According to accounts, Apple's AR/VR headset supports an interactive mode, wherein a 'tracing paper' type of image interposes between the viewer's eyes and the area in which he's looking.
Imagine wearing a headset to assemble furniture while the instructions are digitally projected onto the parts, for instance, or cooking a meal while a recipe is displayed in the corner of your eye.
So, instead of assembling your chest of drawers, you're some sub-GED chucklehead who'll be taken through some simple surgery, like fixing a hernia. One surgeon for the whole world (paid a preformance fee, no residuals for each in the real world hernia repair), and all the real world work done by sub-GED chuckleheads for less than minimum wage. Not that your bill for the hernia repair will be any lower.

Folks worry about AI killing jobs. This is the Ghost of Jobs destroying employment.

It's not so far fetched, either. Well, in the world of teeVee fiction anyway. There's an episode of L&O:CI in which a surgeon suffers from myasthenia gravis and directs her orderly (or some such) to do eye surgerys. Kind of the same idea. Of course, it eventually blows up, being a Murder Show and all. HAL 9000 has arrived.

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