09 March 2025

Those Damn Externalities

At one time, for a long time, all econ types recognized and studied the force of externalities on an economy. By and large, except those in the pocket of monied interests, argued for charging those who generate externalities (nearly all negative, of course). Among the more famous is the stench of pig farms in the Carolinas. So far as I can find, the pig machines continue unabated.

Well... here's another one, possibly worser
A South Carolina woman faces charges after igniting yard debris that burned out of control and allegedly sparked a wildfire that has scorched more than 2,000 acres near Myrtle Beach, the state's forestry officials said.
This is beyond stupid. My guess: a MAGAnaut asserting her liberties.

And, not surprisingly, at least one of the LA fires was caused by utility pole failure.

Routinely, Big Bidnezz pleads to be let go of responsibility, since taking care of these externalities will raise their costs, and most likely, the price to consumers. Well... there's not a thing wrong with that. Even if you're a Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnut economist: your obligation is just that, not your neighbors. For those of us who love bacon, we should be paying to ameliorate the stink. Mammy Yokum has spoken.

The Musk Ox - the other stable genius

Well... here's a report which makes The Musk Ox look the charlatan that he really is, Batshit J. Moron fellow traveler. You've no doubt heard, insistently, that The Musk Ox is a once in a millennium genius and that he's built the most powerful rocket in the history of mankind. And that this rocket will take humans back to the moon, and thence to mars. How could he not be a true genius?

Well... that report contains the fatal flaw in this wonderful new rocket. And, by the way, it's by no means the first to try liquid methane as fuel. Didn't work out before. Now, we humans got to the moon boosted by the Saturn V rocket, at the time the most powerful, and such. And, also just by the way, all this yapping about returning booster shells to earth for reuse isn't anything new, either. We did the same for SRBs on the space shuttle. Plopped them in the Atlantic and ferried them back; cheaper to do, I expect. And, as to that landing of the spent booster feet first, not so new either, but is said to burn 700 tons of fuel. Makes for a cool photo-op, but not much else. The Musk Ox wasn't even born yet when we landed on the moon. The LEM's landing was accomplished with compute equivalent to almost nothing of today: 2K Ram and 36K of ROM. I'll guess that a current digital watch (not smartwatch) has more oomph. Landed feet first on the moon and came back. So there.
Most critically, it needs to show that it can move liquid oxygen and methane propellants from one Starship to another. That procedure is key to allowing a Starship to accumulate enough fuel to go to the moon or Mars.
Say, whaaaaaaaat!!! This most powerful rocket ever made doesn't have enough ooomph to get just to the moon like Saturn V did more than 50 years ago? What the fuck? And we're supposed to think this piece of expensive shit will get to mars? Yeah, right.

Turns out, and this being the first report I've seen (as you likely guessed by now), Starship needs trips to the gas station to get anywhere of consequence.
Mr. Musk has asserted that propellant transfer is a straightforward exercise. But pumping that much liquid that quickly while floating in orbit has never been attempted, and no one knows yet how many Starship launches — perhaps as many as 20 — will be needed for a single moon mission.
So, instead of a single competent rocket, which doesn't waste its fuel on its landing feat, we need 20 (may be more) additional launches to get the gas tanks filled, just to get to the moon? This is cost effective, how?
Mr. Dumbacher even proposed that NASA switch to a smaller, simpler lander to improve the chances that NASA can win the 21st-century moon race with China. As SpaceX is supposed to conduct a demonstration of its Starship lander without any astronauts aboard before Artemis III, a successful astronaut landing on the moon using Starship could require as many as 40 launches.

He did not regard the chances of that many successful launches as high. "I need to get that number of launches dramatically reduced," Mr. Dumbacher said during the hearing. "I need to go simple."
Expect him to be attacked by The Musk Ox and his merry band of Fascists, any day now. Telling us that Emporer Elon is naked? Can't have that.

What was it Barnum (denizen of my current state of CT) may have said (somebody did and P.T. is close enough): "There's a sucker born every minute."

The Musk Ox sure has found one in Batshit J. Moron. Gotta get rid of all them dumb Damn Gummint workers; we rich folk just ain't rich enough.

08 March 2025

The World is Not Linear

Perhaps a series? If need be, I suppose. But here's a new report on the extent of global warming. I know. I know. Global warning is just a hoax from the woke wonks of the Ivory Tower. They probably are shorting fossil fuels and food commodities. I would if I believed in global warming.
Last year was the hottest year in recorded history, breaking a record set just the year before. It was also the first calendar year to breach 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, a critical climate threshold.
And, of course, the punchline
Scientists have been struggling to fully explain the extraordinary heat of the past few years. While it has been driven predominantly by burning fossil fuels and the natural climate pattern El Niño, these factors alone don't entirely explain the unusually rapid temperature rise.
Isn't it sufficient to admit that most natural processes are non-linear? How else do we get income inequality, with a few gazillionaires, and billions living on acorn bread?

Grifters Will Grift - part the first

As Dr. McElhone was fond of saying, "It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer". Which to say that this series should have begun in January, 2017. My bad, but better late than never. Or, more correctly, if only the Blue Cities had gotten off their collective asses, we wouldn't be in this mess. And this series would never have been.

It's clear, and has been since we all found out that Project 2025 existed, that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) wish to return the USofA to the thrilling days of yestercentury, and suck moolah out of the Damn Gummint, which is to say the 99% who actually pay taxes.
We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes.
-- Leona Helmsley/1989 (or earlier)
Over the years, even when I toiled at OPM (yes, that one), it was clear informally and analytically that being a federal worker bee wasn't necessarily lucrative. Certainly not in the DC Metro. The high priced spread worked on K Street and such. We had salary surveys done each year, and it was clear. But, of course, the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts always said we lied. Ah well.

Turns out the CBO occasionally looks, too. And they find pretty much the same thing.

What is ironic, from some perspective, is that the sub-GED crowd does better being a fed than the educated cabal of woke wonks. Go figure. Might be that Big Bidnezz really, really wants smart folks?

The federal worker has always been the favored whipping boy for the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts and Big Bidnezz and such. Especially the regulator agencies. Big Bidnezz employees are always smarter and more capable and can leap tall hierarchies in a single bound. The thing is, the federal worker bees (to be distinguished from Capital Hill flunkies) only want solid data to decide whether Big Bidnezz is living up to the statutory/regulatory requirements. Congress mandated them, and the President (supposed to) is to see that the laws are faithfully executed. Well, until now, of course. We could return to the time when FDA never existed, right? Or just to the time when drug companies only had to show that their pills didn't kill patients? What could possibly go wrong? Would the USofA be better off if The Musk Ox and his Tesla were never scrutinized? Run over a few people? Just ignore that. Get rid of NTSB because Boeing knows better? I guess we really don't need a CDC, since all those decisions are up to parents/adults/clergy and such. And so on. What could possibly go wrong? We all know that measles outbreaks happen every so often, don't we? And that bleach and ivermectin and hyrdo cure Covid?

I Told You So - 8 March 2025

Well... this is one of those "take a victory lap" reveals. Many's the time, during the MAGAnaut assault, that these missives have said that the DOGEmorons are messing with compute tech they have no idea about. It might as well be in Zulu. It's the wonder of COBOL. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with COBOL, esp. for an organization like Social Security Administration. It's the sort of application that COBOL was designed for.

While I was a worker bee at CSC (where I took the job because I was told "we're going to be doing heavyweight database development"), the job, it turned out was putting a pretty face on ancient (70s vintage) COBOL code. This process is widely known as 'putting lipstick on a pig'. I suspect the phrase originated in computer. Let's go see... Well, one source says it was baseball. Which is chronologically before the GUI problem. Close enough.

So, now we have the DOGE intent on breaking SS. Of course they are. Dropping multiple wrenches into the computers which run SS is a plausible deniable method of destroying SS. Which is the point, of course.
"This system needs a lot of maintenance, and the concern is that if they're not careful with their firing — and they're obviously not — these people who are experts in COBOL tend to be retirement age," said Nancy Altman, president of Social Security Works, an advocacy group.
You're not likely to be able to run SS on webservers running java, or even C++. The best hope is to keep the COBOL and leverage the relational power of z/OS DB2 (most likely what's available on the IBM Big Iron). Now, here's the real kick in the balls. While at CSC, when it tried, with shitty results, to both put webGUI lipstick on its pig COBOL by creating a java applet front end (the aforesaid lipstick), it also attempted to transition from the original VSAM files for the COBOL code to z/OS DB2. That was an even bigger clusterfuck: the clients got the worst of all worlds - the overhead of database transaction control coupled with the olde fashioned bespoke transaction monitoring in their COBOL and a bit of secret sauce from CICS. SS is likely in that situation, and likely for a couple of decades, if not more.

So, let's send some PHP kiddies over there to fix the problem. At least CSC had the sense to bring in a brigade of Indian Freshers to maintain the COBOL. Oh, and one client demurred from the 'upgrade' to GUI and DB2. They've been running just fine.
"Right now, they're driving these people that understand the IT architecture, understand how things are connected, understand how things work — and they're driving them out of the agency as quickly as they can, with absolutely zero transfer of knowledge," he said. "We looked at attrition as the fire breathing dragon at the gate that needed to be defended against. These guys think it's a fire upon which to douse kerosene and to give people incentives to leave."
And, of course, the reason it all got this way
The computer system is old enough that its monochromatic green screen upon loading says "welcome to the future" — an irony given the age of the technology.

"There had been talk about removing it, because it seems so ridiculous, but that would have cost money and required more staff that they didn't have," O'Malley said. "So they've never done that."
Neither java nor C++ is an easy replacement language for COBOL logic. They just aren't, which is why most of American Big Bidnezz still runs on COBOL. With webGUI lipstick. The further irony: back some years ago, xml stormed on to the scene, and the PHP and javacript kiddies decided that it would make for really new, modern, and cool database stores. Dumber than a sack of hair. xml as datastore is just a clear text implementation of the hierarchical 'database' IMS from IBM before DB2. At least VSAM fit nicely with COBOL.

And, yes, there are myriad COBOL to C/C++ converters/translators on the market. In general, the result is mixed, and not just a push-the-damn-button process.

06 March 2025

The Greatest Threat - part the ninth

The Office of Data Integrity has the bit between its teeth and galloping along. This report lays out the threat explicitly. Not that I'm surprised, naturally. It's the playbook of the Dictator.

It should be no surprise to gentle reader that I predicted that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) would brazenly set out to fudge the data to make Mad Dictator Don always look good.
Comments from a member of President Trump's cabinet over the weekend have renewed concerns that the new administration could seek to interfere with federal statistics — especially if they start to show that the economy is slipping into a recession.
Of course they will. That's the purpose of the Office of Data Integrity: to make the Dictator look good.
Federal statistical agencies have long operated with a degree of autonomy from the cabinet departments that they are nominally part of, following methodologies developed by technocrats inside and outside government. But experts in recent years have warned that independence rests more on norms than on statutory protections, and that the agencies could therefore be vulnerable to political interference.
Ah, "norms" raise their evil heads yet again. And, once again, we run headlong into the egregious failure of the Founding Fathers: that only moral folks would be elected, and would govern in the interests of all Americans without need for explicit statute restraining their corrupt natures should any emerge. As if. It's not well known (and not mentioned in the report) that almost all of the surveys are conducted by Census, no matter which department/agency name is on the resulting report. Lutnick controls Census.
Nancy Potok, who was appointed chief statistician for the United States by President Barack Obama and remained in the role for much of President Trump's first term, said Mr. Lutnick's comments were a sign that those fears could be becoming reality.

"It's very concerning," she said. "It puts the U.S. in the company of countries that are notorious for fudging the numbers to support failed economic policies."
Ah, the United States of Bananas? And, it gets better. For some definition of 'better'.
More recently, the Commerce Department moved to kill off several advisory committees that provided feedback and guidance to federal statistical agencies.
[FDA is doing similar]

"It's very disconcerting," said Mary Jo Mitchell, who was a member of a Census Bureau advisory committee. "These committees were important avenues for ensuring that the bureau was receiving input from experts and stakeholders who care about these issues."
Ah, but everybody knows that Mad Dictator Don knows more about anything than those stupid experts (he's told us often enough), especially math stats and survey design. Piece of cake for such a polymath as Mad Dictator Don.

Soak the Rich

The Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts continue (since 1933) to bleat that Social Security is unfair and immoral and will go broke ever so soon because of the Baby Boom. What's always been puzzling is the income maximum for SS tax. Here's what a CT congresscritter has to say about the effect.
If the cap for Social Security had not existed (there is no cap on Medicare taxes) the some 6% of U.S. workers who earn more than Social Security's taxable maximum would contribute more than $388 billion to Social Security. If the earnings maximum had been eliminated, just the handful of people — a bit more than 229 — earning over $50 million a year would have paid $3.6 billion in Social Security tax, which is more than 77% of American workers — earning less than $57,000 per year — paid in Social Security tax.
How many modern countries have public pensions? 80. The USofA is hybrid, of course.

04 March 2025

Thought For The Day - 4 March 2025

OK, so what are the odds that Mad Dictator Don will go all the way and declare himself President for Life? In order to save the country, of course. After all he did say
Christians, get out and vote! Just this time — you won't have to do it any more. Get out — you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote.

03 March 2025

By The Numbers - part the eighty seventh

A pundit on MSNBC just let go with the howitzer comment: if Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) don't change mind between now and midnight, the cost of a USofA (titularly, of course) auto will rise by $12,000!!! Now, that sounds a bit gross, and the pundit didn't state what current/base cost autos he was talking about. I mean, if he's talking about $90,000 SUVs, I can surely get behind that.

Good News!

I've seen the headline to a CNN interview with Maher (didn't bother reading the interview, since Maher has gone all in on MAGA), in which interview (according to the headline) he posits that there won't be another election. Letting my fingers do the walking through the Yellow Googles yields some disquieting news. While the Constitutional types agree that the President alone can't, Congress sure can. And, such a law/vote isn't in the 2/3 category. So, even with the, currently, very narrow majority in both Houses, there needn't be a 2026 or 2028 election.

Have a nice life. And stock up on brown shirts.

02 March 2025

Thought For The Day - 2 March 2025

That clearly was a scripted mugging of Zelenskyy by Bone Spur Samurai© and Just Dumb Vance©; only the worst cocksuckers (I'm talking about you Lady Lindsey) could call it a show of strength by the USofA. Bone Spur Samurai© remains frosted by Zelenskyy's refusal to 'investigate' all things Biden.

Bone Spur Samurai© kept saying that Ukraine/Zelenskyy has to really, really want peace. Well... what sort? Peace with Honor? Peace with the status quo ante? Peace with USofA security guarantee? Of course not. Mutt and Jeff want Ukraine to accept peace with capitulation to Vlad The Impaler. Only the most MAGA of the MAGAnauts want that. One might wonder how long it will take for that cabal to admit that Vlad The Impaler is really, really embarking on a quest for the Second Russian Empire. One might expect that Poland is next. What will Bone Spur Samurai's© USofA do then? Go Full Lindbergh©? I suppose so.

And, of course: Joe McCarthy, Commie hunter in chief, is spinning at high RPM in his grave. Not that he worked all that well.
"Were the Junior Senator from Wisconsin in the pay of the Communists he could not have done a better job for them."
Now, of course, Bone Spur Samurai© and Just Dumb Vance© gleefully suck Vlad The Impaler's dick. Times, they are a changin'.

Well... Joe's speedometer just got twice as fast.

01 March 2025

No Man Is An Island - part the fourth

A kind of famous poem (well... a bit of it)
No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
From John Donne (~1600)

Regular reader may recall that I've mentioned on occasion our visits to Block Island. It's not way off-shore, only about 11 miles as the seagull flies. But it is sorta, kinda isolated. Well, this week's Block Island Times reports (subscription since the COC took it over) that H5N1 was found by state DEM in a noncommercial farm flock. This is the official report.

There is a farm open to the public by donation. It's more an open air zoo. All kinds of critters, including many ducks, although 40 sounds a bit high. We stop by at least once each visit. Neither the Times nor the DEM name the location. The DEM goes on to state
Initially restricted to wild birds and poultry, H5N1 has spilled over into other mammals, including wildlife like foxes, bears, and seals; domestic animals, like cats and dogs; and farm animals like goats and dairy cows.
The farm has a wide variety of animals on many acres of hillside. And the report goes on to say that Block Island is smack dab in the Atlantic flyway. Since much of the island is semi-wild (which the McMansion crowd hasn't yet destroyed), a good place to burger and soda for the migratory set. What's kind of important here is those multiple other variety of animals. If it happens, and it's not yet public so far as I know, that this flu has jumped to mammals on the island... You get the picture. One might wonder what Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) USDA and FDA and CDC will do? Secretary Mumbles has already said many stupid things. Let's see if he does really stupid things. Or, more to the point, doesn't do anything.

Block Island, without the animal farm, is a diminished thing. And keep in mind: it ain't easy getting there with animals in tow. The main ferry brings dogs on board, which seems not to be the source of infection in winter. It almost certainly flew in.

How many east coast events have there been? Near as I can find as I type, one report in New York state and one in New London, Connecticut (that's Atlantic flyway, too). The Cassandra types have been warning. If they're right, Secretary Mumbles is in deep shit. And so are we, for having such an idiot running HHS.

By The Numbers - part the eighty sixth

Well... Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) have made the choice: it's vodka and Vlad all the way.

For someone who claims to be the deal maker of all time (with at least 6 bankrupt companies that we know of, so far), he's pretty stupid. The impulse appears to be (not admitted, so far as I'm aware) that Zelenskyy didn't do as he was told: gin up a fake investigation into the Biden family. The Oval Office skit was clearly staged, with Bone Spur Samurai© and Just Dumb Vance© tag teaming against Zelenskyy. As if Bone Spur Samurai© is a military genius. Peace with honor? Not likely. Peace with Vlad taking as much as he wants. Poland's next.

But what is really, really stupid is that by cutting off his nose to spite his face, it's likely the EU will clean his clock.
USofA GDP  - $28 trillion
Russia GDP -  $2 trillion
EU GDP     - $29 trillion
Now, what does Russia have to offer? Not much. 99.44% of its land area is worthless tundra, and no one needs its petro anymore. USofA petro companies do not want anymore petro on the market. They make more moolah on scarcity. If Batshit J. Moron weren't so fucking stupid and petty and paranoid and... he'd have figured that out.

The Orange Shitgibbon©anon. has picked the loser. Bankruptcy number 7 (at least) on the way. And we all get to participate!! Oh joy.

28 February 2025

The Greatest Threat - part the eighth

The Office of Data Integrity slinks along. Today (dead trees version) that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) have killed a significant source of epidemiologic data. Good on Elon. Likely that these data only matter to the poor Black folks of South Africa; not that they matter.
With funding from the United States Agency for International Development, the Demographic and Health Surveys were the only sources of information in many countries about maternal and child health and mortality, nutrition, reproductive health and H.I.V. infections, among many other health indicators.

The surveys collected data in 90 low- and middle-income nations, which then used the information to set health benchmarks at the local, national and global levels, including the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by member countries of the United Nations.
Get rid of data collection, and the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts can bleat, "but, but it's only
your opinion, and you're very, very wrong, and the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts are so, so right!! Party like it's 1829!!"
"It's really challenging for me to understand how you could implement thoughtful programs in public health and monitor progress toward strategic goals if you don't have the kind of data that are available from the D.H.S.," Win Brown, a demographer at the University of Washington, said.

"You can't keep track of what's going on, you can't form strategies, you can't make adjustments based on how your data are changing," he added.
[my emphasis]
How can one truly use those words in the same thought as Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor)? One can't, of course. Those two are just so coarse.

26 February 2025

God's Mercy

Well... the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts are having a field day.

First, some news you aren't likely to have found in your usual newsfeed. The Aussies have sent a wide swath of idiot adults to prision for killing an 8 year old. Not with a car or hammer or such. For not giving her a necessary insulin injection. Kinda, sorta need those when you're type-1. And this wasn't the first time these adults did this to this child.
Elizabeth Struhs died in January 2022 on a mattress on the floor of her home in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, days after her father Jason Struhs, 53, declared that she no longer needed medication for Type 1 diabetes.

Her mother, Kerrie Struhs, 49, encouraged Elizabeth's father to withhold her insulin, as did 12 other members of a Bible-based sect known as "The Saints," who were last month found guilty of manslaughter in a judge-only trial.
As a macabre side light, there's a kinda, sorta funny line from Tom Lehrer:
What with President Johnson practicing escalatio on the
Vietnamese, and then the Dominican crisis on top of that,
it has been a nervous year, and people have begun to feel
like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis.
Now, of course, if idiot adults choose to be idiots of and for themselves, good on them. They'll all win Darwin Awards, and thankfully so. Not so much for their kids.

And, as you likely suspect, there's a domestic case brewing in West Texas (where else? any southern Red state, of course), with a death of a child from measles.
Coverage of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is particularly low in Gaines County, where nearly 1 in 5 incoming kindergartners in the 2023-24 school year did not get the vaccine. Other affected Texas counties also fall below a goal of 95%, set by the US Department of Health and Human Services, that's necessary to help prevent outbreaks of the highly contagious disease.
"Ya pointy headed Liberals ain't gonna tell my how to raise ma kids!!!" I suppose not. On the plus side, there'll be a bit fewer getting to adulthood indoctrinated with this Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnut shit. With no Medicaid, of course.

I expect, any day now, for Mr. Mumbles will order CDC to take down all that data. Let's go see... still there. Space on the page for data tables has only a Big Black Cross (hmm?) on both Firefox and Chrome, so I expect (but can find no explanation) that CDC has removed them.

25 February 2025

No Fucking Way - part the fourth

Well... the bleating Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts in Red states are now explicitly pleading to be protected. Only the Blue states deserve to be hurt. Of course.
GOP Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia spoke out against Elon Musk's X post earlier this month that included a reference to individuals who rely on federal programs as the "parasite class," saying during the Tuesday meeting that he has family members that work for the federal government, one of the sources told CNN.
Boo hoo! Scott is your generic White Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnut, as you might expect.

Bad Moon Rising - part the first

Well... with all the ado over Federal Debt and interest rates, here's some equivocal news. The Oracle of Omaha loves him some sovereign debt instruments.
Warren E. Buffett, the famed investor known for his enthusiasm for undervalued stocks and businesses, is feeling bullish these days about a traditionally staid investment: Treasury bills.
What's not routinely admitted: the idle rich love them some idle instruments. Always have. Some do so for capital gains, others for the coupon. Some do only that.
But the steady interest rates offered by Treasury bills helped stabilize Mr. Buffett's empire during a year in which more than half of the nearly 200 businesses it operates saw their earnings drop. Berkshire Hathaway had net earnings last year of $90 billion, a decline from the more than $96 billion it generated a year earlier.
Not so much of an Oracle, eh? Even Buffett admits, ever so quietly, that he's just as much a victim of Mr. Market as your average retail plunger. You can't outsmart Mr. Market. Buffett just has a big enough wallet that he can outlast any recession and still eat filet. If that's what he likes.

What neither the lamestream media nor Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts will admit is that sovereign debt is just as important as money. For a growing economy, both must expand to meet their, somewhat different, purposes. The mantra from the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts that sovereign debt drives out private is horseshit and always has been. The Oracle of Omaha just showed that.

I Told You So - 25 February 2025

As soon as shitler and muskrat©dugugotw started with the 'probationary' firings, my time in DC lit up in my lower brain stem memory. While it is true that something on the order of 4/5 of Federal employment is outside the DC area, it appears right now that the nationwide total is about 30,000. If we add in the 'deferred resignations' of 75,000, it all adds up to a bunch. Now, let's say that only 20% of the total are in the DC metro, what's likely to happen to all those mortgages?

Today's NYT has some reporting on that.
"Even on unemployment," said Mr. McKenzie, 27, who worked as a community engagement specialist, "I'm not going to be able to make my mortgage payment."
Well, no shit Sherlock. You and may be 20,000 others. That'll put a kink to house prices in the DC Metro. Boy howdy. The cavalry will come to the rescue; well, sort of. In other similar situations private equity has slurped up the surplus, and turned them in high priced rentals. Just what the recent MAGAnaut crusader didn't expect in order to hobnob, if not with shitler and muskrat©dugugotw themselves, but at least some high level acolytes. All those MAGAnaut crusaders will, if they have more than just a primitive brain stem in their skulls, discover that they're just more cannon fodder in the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Retrograde Right Wingnuts' war on progress.
The effect of the layoffs has been palpable, especially in the Washington area, where there are more than 300,000 federal government employees. Rumors have swirled that the firings are causing the area's housing market to crash after videos began circulating on social media.
And, yes, it's likely too soon to see the tsunami of foreclosures, and some hope, lowball sales to kick in. But kick in they will.

Cruelty is the point, after all, they're all just lazy bureaucrats. No such folk exist in the private sector, as we all know.

21 February 2025

Oops - part the second

The headline of today's New York Post (dead trees division) front page reads [on the left]
[and to the right]
a photo of a scowling Vlad the Impaler

shitler and muskrat©dugugotw are in for some turbulence when even Murdoch News calls Bullshit.

20 February 2025

Oops - part the first

Sen.Thom Tillis (R-NC) pushed back on President Donald Trump's comments blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for the war in Ukraine, and issued a warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a "cancer" that cannot be given "any space."

A small crack in the dam? Will anyone else in the GOP admit that shitler and muskrat©dugugotw are lunatics?

DEI - part the first

Well, well, well. Just got a posting from one of the job boards. Here's the title
University of Wyoming, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database has a new opportunity
I wonder how long it will take Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) to have that get trapped in their filters? I mean, Wyoming has gone all DEI on shitler and muskrat©dugugotw!!!

17 February 2025

Are You Dumb Enough - part the first

Are you dumb enough to swallow that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and DOGE will use access to the raw files looking for "fraud" from the .1% cheaters? Or may be just folks who give money to various woke NGOs? Hmmm?

"Get your brownshirts here!! Get them while you can! Don't get caught on the street without one! The American STASI will arrest you if you don't wear one!!!"

16 February 2025

Better Government Through LSD

Well... Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) is clearing out FDA as we speak. If you think Mutt and Jeff are going to stop destroying the Damn Gummint with just the easy bits; well... wake the fuck up.

So, Bone Spur Samurai© will add Trump Ivermectin, approved by The Trump Drug Company of St. Petersburg, Russia. No tariff on import, of course. Guaranteed to cure anything what ails you.
Many scientists that CBS News spoke to said they had uprooted their lives for the chance to serve the federal government, sometimes taking steep pay cuts from what they could be earning in academia or the private sector. Others had been on probation for staff roles after many years working for the same agency as a contractor.
Yeah, we all know that if you work for the Damn Gummint you're, at best, a C- employee. The private sector would never think to have you on board.
"Words cannot adequately express how financially screwed I am," the former NIH scientist said.
As explained in earlier missives: another house on the auction block for private equity to slurp up and then rent out for a nice phat profit. Ain't Social Darwinism the way to go?

14 February 2025

Our Mr. Brooks

You get the joke, right? Well, may be not. As a rule, I'll excise some sentence or two from a pundit's pronouncement, put it in the Sigs pile and use it, or not, in the Thoughts section. These days, I'm finding more than I can use on the once-a-week schedule.

One of my pet peeves is David Brooks, who along with some others, presents as the Respectable Republican not-a-MAGAnaut. Not really. And today's (dead trees division) column is so full of baloney, he gets a regular entry, in which he seeks to blame the folks who bothered to get edumacated (and, of course their parents who saw to it). I've said it before in these essays: the redneck shitkickers are poor, stupid, unhealthy, and envious for the simple reason they keep electing politicians who spend their every working moment feeding these rednecks bullshit that they're being actively abused by the northern/city folk who don't value their Traditional Ways. A euphemism for overt racism.

So, let's start somewhere with Brooks
Well, starting about 60 years ago, a group variously labeled the Bobos or the creative class began establishing hegemony over commanding institutions of American life — the universities, the media, the foundations, publishing and entertainment. There are two things you should know about this class. First, like most groups, its members dislike intellectual diversity and tend to impose a stifling progressive orthodoxy in the places they dominate. Second, more than most groups, they see themselves as the moral uplifters of society, on everything from environmental attitudes to sexual ethics, and enjoy preaching in order to enlighten their morally backward countrymen.
There you have it: progressives are the problem. Like hell they are. And, by the bye, the Right Wingnuts are far more strident with their fellow travelers. By a mile; just Hang Mike Pence. Earlier in the piece, Brooks says this
If America elected a populist as president, you would expect him to devote his administration to addressing these inequities, to boosting the destinies of working-class Americans. But that's not what President Trump is doing. He seems to have no plans to narrow the education chasms, no plans to narrow the health outcome chasms or the family structure chasms. He has basically no plans to revive the communities that have been decimated by postindustrialization.
In the first place, addressing those inequalities is exactly what the FDR Dems have been trying to do, with no help from the so-called conservatives. I sense a major league level of projection.

With a few sentences he put the blame where it belongs: on the rednecks who continue to elect politicians (starting at the Top) who exploit their dumb as a sack of hair persecution complex (yes the educated elite are better than you, and very many of them are the ones trying to lift you up, but you're small minded ingrates), The simple fact is: it's been the progressives who've pointed the finger at the existential issues, not the rednecks and their politicians. In a few paragraphs, as most dissemblers, he tries to have it both ways.

He goes on to lament the left-ish tilt of the educated class. Well, d'uh!! The so-called conservative class is driven by a single principle: the Rich ain't Rich Enough. You see this in Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor)'s tax giveaway from 2016 and, likely, 2024. The right wingnuts assert there exist no social goods, only profit-making enterprises. Laissez faire on speed. And they always feed the rednecks in the shithole domestic countries race baiting themes. If you're not into race baiting blamesmanship, where ya gonna go? To the nattering nabobs of negativism of course. You can only fix a problem if you, at first, recognize that it exists.
Many of them are not pro-conservative; they are anti-left. There's a big difference. They do not focus on building and reforming the civic institutions that conservatives believe are crucial to any healthy society.
It would help his argument if he simply ennumerated (which he can't) what those (different from what the progs list) institutions are. And how relying on those institutions promotes a higher standard of commonweal. He can't simply because such effort is nowhere in the lifeblood of an American conservative.

He closes the piece
I'm not a fan of populism, but real populism would be better than the right-wing elite nihilists who are running the country now.
Of course, that's a self-contradictory sentence. There is no real populism, of the right wing sort, other than what we see. Trumpism is just as bankrupt as, and identical in structure to, all the other Populists going back at least to Mussolini and Hitler. Real populism, not Huey Long, is truly what progressives abide: increasing the commonweal.

He won't admit that, because to do so he'd have to shitcan the Prime Directive of the Conservative Class: all that matters is that the Rich ain't rich enough and we need to fix that.

12 February 2025


Well... I guess now we (the People) will have to rely on the Four Eyes spooks to tell us when Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and/or Gabbard betray us to Vlad.

Have a nice day.

11 February 2025

Fun With Words

Some on-air pundit recently noted that DOGE is the name of a fake cryptocurrency which actually went live. Go figure.
[A] cryptocurrency created by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a joke, making fun of the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the time.
The Musk Ox is a joke, so it does fit.

But Doge has another meaning: dictator
In Venice, doges normally ruled for life, although a few were forcibly removed from office. While doges had great temporal power at first, after 1268, the doge was constantly under strict surveillance: he had to wait for other officials to be present before opening dispatches from foreign powers; he was not allowed to possess any property in a foreign land.
No Gaza for you!!

10 February 2025

It's a Non-Linear World - part the first

Well... yet another series of essays. This one could have, should have, been started when this edifice came to be. Oh well.

So, on to climate change. Yes it does exist. Some new data to contemplate.
This month he co-authored a paper which concluded global warming is accelerating faster than expected, due in large part to regulations to reduce shipping pollution. While this pollution is a human health hazard, it also has the effect of reflecting sunlight away from the Earth.
So, it seems, even scienists who should have some notion of non-linear systems keep getting caught with their panties down. My guess as to why: they figure that if they tell the truth about non-linear (colloquially 'exponential') systems, they'll scare the shit out of folks who understand it, and cause the sub-GED Bible thumpers to attack these pointy headed Liberal Lying Scientists. The mis-rule of the idiots.

From the point of view of the MAGA leaders, and their most faithful, if Mother Earth ceases to be habitable in its current level, such will happen after they're long dead. Or, in their Bible thumping ways, extrapolate the Bible's assertion that God won't ever flood Mother Earth again. Ignoring the geologic fact that such never happened (filling the Med is almost surely the source of the myth). Do any of these give a shit about their kids and grandkids? Much less more future generations? Big fat no to both.

Thought For The Day - 10 February 2025

Why, I'll just bet it all on the Guh-eye-annts being just soooooooo happy for Saquon. They really did get it that he wasn't worth a slimy hanky.

Stupid is as Stupid Does - part the fifth

Once again, Batshit J. Moron proves once again how dumb and demented he really is. 25% tariff on steel and aluminum? Way to go dummy!

Yes, tariffs are a tax on Americans, not the foreign producers. Yes, tariffs (everywhere, for what it's worth) are used to 'protect' nascent industry. Yes, tariffs encourage, no - demand, that domestic producers raise price to meet the inflated price of the imported stock. Yes, tariffs drive inflation. Way to go!

So, no, the American consumer gets nothing in the bargain.

Both steel and aluminum are not nascent industries in these here United States. In fact, iron production has been declining for years due in significant measure to the over-mining of the ore, mostly in the Mesabi Range, a once largest deposit on the planet. A significant amount of it was extracted during WWII to make the weapons of war which enabled the Allies to beat the Nazis. I wonder if Batshit J. Moron even understands that? Wasn't Daddy Drumpf an "America Firster"?
During Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, his father's 1927 arrest at a KKK march resurfaced.
KKK and Lindbergh and the rest were siblings. In any case, putting tariffs on steel are unlikely to rejuvenate an industry made moribund by lack of raw resource.
US iron ore made up 2.5 percent of the total mined worldwide in 2015.
None of the iron ore now mined in the US is "direct shipping" ore ready to be fed into the iron- and steel-making process. The ore is concentrated to raise the iron content before use. All the iron ore currently mined is from open pits.
IOW, what's left is shitty bottom of the barrel ore.

So, what countries have the most high quality ore, one might ask? Not the USofA. Nascent industry protection? In a pig's ass.
1 - Australia 
3 - Russia
4 - China 
6 - Canada
So, stupid is as stupid does.

Now, what about aluminum?

Well, again stupid is as stupid does. The USofA isn't even on the list. No industry to protect! Australia is the largest producer of aluminum (second in reserves) with Guinea having the largest bauxite reserves.

07 February 2025

I Bet You Thought I Was Full of Shit

As the title says. Turns out, not so much. Yet more reporting on the evil deviousness of Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor).

Even a moment's pondering would yield more than a few surrogates for Red states which could be corralled for the purpose of boosting the Red and screwing the Blue. This one, breeding, as the proper measure for which states get transportation funding is beyond ludicrous. But there you go.
Prioritizing areas with higher birthrates would, however, send more federal funding to Republican states. South Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska, North Dakota and Texas are among the states with the highest fertility rates, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. States that have the lowest fertility rates include Vermont, Oregon, Rhode Island and New Hampshire, none of which voted for Mr. Trump in the 2024 election.
I suppose that the sub-GED crowd that lives in our domestic shithole countries are fond of fucking (bareback, and not on da pill) in their cars while stuck in traffic jams in the middle of nowhere? Why not?

That's Why!! - part the second

Well... staff of the NYT has confirmed the main points of the earlier missive
The instrument approach for Runway 1 calls for a descending plane to cross over the helicopter corridor while the plane is at a much higher altitude, somewhere from 620 to 1,700 feet and more than a minute from landing. The approach for Runway 33, however, calls for a plane to cross over the helicopter corridor at a much lower altitude, because a plane is seconds from landing. The clearance between a helicopter in the corridor and a descending plane may be from 100 to 300 feet, which can result in close calls if there are severe fluctuations in the altitude of either aircraft.
So, the clearance on 1 is so much more than on 33. I don't yet know whether the CRJ would be advised to touchdown closer to the threshold on 33 than it would aim for on 1, but it seems logical given the shorter length of 33 and the CRJ's rollout. In any case, as stated, the height at the river's edge, where the two flight paths intersect, is quite different.

Not only that,
But the helicopter was at least a half-mile off of the approved route when it collided with the jet
Now, in which direction that half-mile is, makes a difference and isn't stated in the report. If a half-mile closer to the west bank of the river means the CRJ would be still closer to the ground at intersection. What isn't yet confirmed is why ATC sent the CRJ over to 33. Was it crosswind, or just convenience for ATC for some reason? So far, only The Shadow knows.

06 February 2025

Thought For The Day - 6 February 2025

OK, let me get this straight. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) wants to give his (white) billionaire (and, may be, if they're nice to him, millionaire) buddies phat refunds, even phatter than the one he gave them last time.

And to do this, he's going to take money from starving Black kids, and some brown and yellow ones, in all those shithole countries he complained about the last rodeo? Will he still feed starving Norwegian kids? One of, likely the only one that works, ways to keep the Domino Theory (Nam, look it up) from playing out is to lift the boots off the necks of poor starving Black kids. Revolts happen when playing by the rules in a rigged game becomes obvious. Empty bellies make people angry.

It's worth remembering that American Gunboat Diplomacy, protecting American companies south of the border from the governments of the countries they occupy, is what led to (and still does) countervailing dictatorship.

The utter stupidity of the MAGAnauts is breathtaking. I guess they still believe that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and The Musk Ox really, really are looking out for them.

05 February 2025

Side Effects

If, and that's still as specific as one can be, Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and The Musk Ox get their way in gutting employment in the Damn Gummint (which is small potatoes in expenditures), we can contemplate the side-effects of such effort.

And, being from the econ tribe, what might I see the effects on metro DC where most agency main offices reside? The one that comes immediately to mind is a regional housing crash. I lived in The District for all the time I was a Fed, but most bureaurats live in the burbs. By the time I got there, most new housing was being built on the Virginia side, what with Maryland largely taken. The District and Baltimore, downtown to downtown, are about an hour apart. So, you've got about 40 miles of area to make burbs, which was mostly done by the mid 70s.

If you're a new couple, come to DC for civil service, once you get to GS-13 (mid-level worker bee) it's time to get your mortgage. Now, being in civil service (getting there isn't the cake walk the Right Wingnuts blare), you expect that you'll be employed long enough to pay off said mortgage. For those "out in the field", life is a bit different. Some years ago, the GS payrates were regularized to recognize that regional/local cost of living differed, sometimes by a whole lot. But being away from The District often means that you're not in some One Company Town. Make no mistake: the big houses you see when tooling around the Metro Area don't house civil service worker bees, but rather lobbyists and lawyers and other Private Sector Poobahs.

If Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) and The Musk Ox manage to cull 10,000 from the rolls, and 80% are central office agency worker bees, what happens to those 8,000 worker bees? At least one of my former colleagues managed to segue from public to private employment, but not because he was thrown out of the Damn Gummint. And he was AB.D. in psychometrics, a somewhat rigorous technical skill. Bureaurat middle managers? Not so much. A lot of those mortgages will default, simply because the DC Metro is not equipped to suck up all those public sector worker bees, like Bounty does in the teeVee adverts. The worker bees' lives will be smashed. And, as elsewhere, private equity will scarf up all those bargain basement houses and turn them into high priced rentals for the next cohort of starry eyed new couples coming to The District to do Good Works. May be Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) will get in on the game; make some small change, welcome as it will be, on the hardship. Cruelty is the point.

If the Flaccid Duo get all the way to 100,000, the effect on the DC Metro will be a neutron bomb. Just what they want. There are no Social Goods, only rent extraction (that's an econ term). Andy Jackson, Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor)'s Idol created, in large measure, the spoils staffing protocol. 19th century Federal governance was one party's corruption after the other's. A swell time to be an American. Let's all do it again!!

04 February 2025

By The Numbers - part the eighty fifth

Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) march through DC, burning everything in sight, is well and truly started. A longstanding boogeyman for the Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts is the Department of Education. As if the Damn Gummint never had anything to do with fostering education in these here United States.

Some numbers follow.

March 2, 1867 is the first Office of Education.

April 25, 1939 is the creation of the Federal Security Agency, one part of which was The Office of Education which did about what you think it would.

April 11, 1953 is the creation for the successor agency, HEW. Yes the "E" is education.

October 17, 1979 which put Education into its own agency.

But, of course, the sub-GED crowd wants to get the Damn Gummint out of our schools (well... but keep the money flowing to Charter Christian ones), but, of course, into our bedrooms. When they're in power. They voted for a white rich guy (who has had at least 6 bankruptcies, because he's so smart) who is showing his true colors: keep them white trash poor, stupid, and sickly. One wonders if they'll ever figger out they been played for chumps?

What I Said - part the first

Well... that really, really didn't take long. The Gang of Six decreed that the President is a dictator and can order anybody from a GS-1 on up what to do. In due time, he would order something totally stupid. That day has come.

Come summer, California's Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnut farmers who voted for him won't have any water if summer is even a bit dry. The tale is here and the stupidity does boggle the mind.
Trump celebrated the move in posts to Truth Social post on Friday and Sunday, declaring, "the water is flowing in California," and adding the water was "heading to farmers throughout the State, and to Los Angeles."

There are two major problems, water experts said: The newly released water will not flow to Los Angeles, and it is being wasted by being released during the wet winter season.
Natulrally, Batshit J. Moron will blame Sleepy Joe's Deep State holdovers for telling him to unleash the agua. Even dumb ass shitkickers know you build up reservoirs when it rains.

03 February 2025

I Told You So - 3 February 2025

Well... that didn't take long. All those MAGAnaut Congresscritters are starting to beg for succor as I promised they would. Did you believe me? Or did you think the MAGAnauts would buy Batshit J. Moron's baloney? The sub-GED crowd sure did; they voted for him. The "traditional" GOP knows better, while still knowing the truth about The Orange Shitgibbon©anon. I give you Grassley of Iowa
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Monday asked President Trump for an exemption for farmers on the sweeping tariffs he imposed over the weekend.
Please, please Herr Fuhrer, don't hit us with pain, just those awful Blue states. Expect pleas more to come. Recall, as told here, Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) took direct action to lower Canada's oil tariff to 10%; don't want to piss off those midwest MAGAnauts. It gets cold in the Dakotas.

01 February 2025

You Lie, Motherfucker

Another load of shit from those woke "scientists" who don't read a Bible.
Researchers have detected organic compounds and minerals necessary for life in unprecedented samples collected from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, adding evidence to the idea that asteroids likely delivered the building blocks of life to our planet early in its history.
What!!! You blasphemer!! Ever body know that God made Man in God's image from nuthin at all. Ain't no physics or chemistry (from those Yankee states) dat's gonna convince me otherwise. OK, so we always show Jesus as fishbelly white, even though them Middle Eastern folk are beige or cafe au lait (I learned that one from the internet).

By The Numbers - part the eighty fourth

Now that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) has, once again, said that, fur shur, he's going to tariff the shit out of Canada, et al, here's some numbers of interest:

- it takes 5 barrels of precious water to make 1 barrel of synthetic crude.
- the USofA gets 97% of tar sands "oil"
- most of it ends up in Upper Midwest refining
- tar sands "oil" is heavy shit, not that light stuff in North Dakota
- the USofA gets 60% of oil imports from the Great North

So, while it's heavy shit, it is a significant supply. Why fuck with that? Because Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) are morons, more concerned with the fantasy size of their dicks. The Musk Ox has, though not often, admitted that Uncle Sugar has bailed him over the years. But, of course, both he and Batshit J. Moron are self-made men.

- and there's the gas situation, too 2/3 of Northwest gas is Canadian

Some folks are too dumb for words. While the cities of the Northwest tend to Blue, the rest are Red shitkickers. Won't they be happy? Well, Batshit J. Moron will get away with blaming Sleepy Joe for the inflation.

31 January 2025

That's Why!!

Yesterday, IIRC, I read a short report that the AA flight was directed to change runways 'at the last second' to runway 33 from its original heading of runway 1. (Runway numbers are compass heading divided by 10).

If you've never spent time in DC (I spent a decade some of those ago), then you need to know what National looks like. This is it. The main runway 1 is 7169 feet and the secondary 33 is 5204. I just now found the CNN report with transcripts, and yes, ATC did change runway for the AA plane.

Time to see what this all tells us. First, the AA plane was scheduled to land on 1, which threshold is farthest south on the facility, and, more importantly, on the VA side of the river opposite to the helicopter lanes. 33 has threshold to the southeast, and most importantly, the approach is over the river and DC and crosses the river very, very close to said threshold. Which means landing on 33 puts you very close to the ground as you overfly the east side of the river. Which, as it happens is right where the chopper lane(s) are. Oops. If the AA plane had stayed on its intended landing, it would have been much higher off the ground when it would intesect (in 3D space) the chopper; if it ever would. Nothing would happen, even with the chopper 100 feet (by some reports) above its lane.

The CRJ is about half the size of mid-sized 737 and about the size of the original DC-9. According to the wiki data, the CRJ700 has 5,040 foot landing spec; 33 is a tight squeeze. I'm no pilot, but seen enough "Air Disaster" episodes that ain't much margin. The CNN transcript gives us the reason (I speculate) why ATC changed runway: wind was at 320 with 25 (knots, normally) gust. That's a bit cross for landing on 1, but near a dead headwind for 33. Safer to land into the wind. The CRJ isn't the heaviest plane in the world, so not landing in crosswind is always better.

According to the innterTubes the CRJ700 is spec'ed to 27 cross!! Now, wind at 320 isn't direct cross and 25 gust is below 27, but switching to 33 makes a lot of sense.


My SWAG is that the chopper pilot didn't register the runway change and thought the AA plane was headed for 1 or mistook another plane for the AA. The latter is what the transcript implies.

The Greatest Threat - part the seventh

Now that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) is on the record, so to say, that DEI (aka, Darkies and Cunts) at FAA and his whole benighted Gummint is the reason the chopper hit that passenger plane at National, how clever will his lackies be in disguising their cocksucking support for such a big lie? Only The Shadow knows, but it's surely an early test case. Already, there are not-on-the-record reports that the chopper was above its lane. We'll see.

I mean, if any of them find the truth, likely that the chopper pilot just simply hit the jet, and say so, will they take the non-trivial risk of getting fired? Probably not. And, of course, what if the pilot of the chopper was Army DEI (the kind that passes the white, sub-GED cohort through)? The USofA military has been reducing quals for years. True fact.
According to Pentagon data, 23% of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 meet all eligibility requirements.

Army officials have said the coronavirus pandemic has also made recruiting more difficult, as ASVAB test scores are down almost 10% since the start of the crisis. "They just can't pass it," McConville said. "It's harder for people today to pass it than it was before."
Ok, if you didn't read up the link, ASVAB is the "IQ" test that wannabe military have to pass. So, in order to combat (pardon the pun) the actual failure rate, the Army set up a "Prep Course" structure to get them to pass. Now, whether this is actually a learning exercise or just a rote, "here's the answers, now memorize them", only The Shadow knows.
The Army typically has the lowest minimum
Here's another report citing ASVAB
The service estimates that only about 23% of young Americans are even qualified for service, most of that issue stemming from an obesity crisis and falling academic performance, leading to poor ASVAB scores.
And, to be clear, while officers can fly choppers, the intended source of chopper pilots is the enlisted army, who come in the usual recruitment door.

30 January 2025

I Told You So - 30 January 2025

Another example of the Office of Media Integrity is on the loose. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) will get us all killed.
The Trump administration has intervened in the release of important studies on the bird flu, as an outbreak escalates across the United States.

Fink's memo covers "any document intended for publication," she wrote, "until it has been reviewed and approved by a presidential appointee." It was sent on President Donald Trump's first full day in office.
[my disdain]
I suppose the sub-GED cabal is happy to see the Educated Elite taken down a peg or ten. You may recall a famous play from ancient times: Lysistrata. The punch line (there always is one in ancient Greek theater) was simple: no nooky til no war. Well, we of the Educated Elite must stop offering our smarts to these morons until they rid us of Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor). Now, we may luck out. He could well fall over dead on his backswing at one of his money losing golf courses. He's not in the pink of health, after all.

28 January 2025

No Fucking Way - part the third

Well... that didn't take long. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) are rolling right along. The retribution to Blue states is afoot.
The Office of Management and Budget memo, obtained by CNN, says the freeze is not across the board and is instead targeted to executive orders that address immigration, foreign aid, climate and energy, DEI initiatives, gender identity and abortion.
If that all doesn't scream Blue, tell me what does?

No Fucking Way - part the second

Now we get the acid test. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (so says this Tesla investor) get to prove to the sub-GED cabal that he'll destroy the Blue states and save the Red states. As Dictator, he can order funds be withheld where he wants. The Constitution and the law says he can't, but who's going to stop him?

24 January 2025

The Funniest Thing

Here's a quote from This Week's Thought (soon enougn), but I'll preview with this bit
Oklahomans are being compelled to fund Catholicism
Needless to say, Oklahomans are only a bit peeved at the possibilty of funding Catholics. According to the wiki (2014 latest data)
Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts - 69% Catholics - 8%
If the Papists get the moolah, won't the Juice and the Muslins come next? Then what? Mormons? Hindus? Devil worshippers? We gots to nip this plague in the bud!

The Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts bitch and moan about "indoctrination" when any other religion is mentioned. What they do to kiddies is just Teaching, of course. Some even forbid the teaching of yoga since it's a sinister religion. I'm not kidding. And, of course, yoga as we know it today, traces to India. Ya know, Hindu and Buddha and all that to boot. But, keep on sending us your cheap Freshers to man out IT departments. Cheaper than American Catholics.

23 January 2025

Make America White Again!!

You were warned: "One giant step for Whitey, a trap door for the rest."

I guess The Musk Ox's Nazi salute really wasn't an innocent slip.

By The Numbers - part the eighty third

Well... Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists are going full speed to turn the USofA into Hungary, or worse yet, Russia. The Gang of Six are to blame. The latest (hard to tell, of course) is the R.T.O. demand. Turns out, RTO saves money
[A] typical U.S. employer can save an average of $11,000 per half-time telecommuter per year.
Of course it does. Now, the usual paranoid-schiz manager assumes that his worker bees are just as lazy bastards as he is; after all, managers don't actually produce anything.

And the whole RTO fixation ignores the elephant in the room: office work has been off-shored at least as long as parts-assembly. The paranoid-schiz CxO class doesn't worry about all those Indians coding and radiology reviews.

Here's some numbers on how much office off-shoring goes on.
[S]ome economists that actually think this is a new era and that a lot of, maybe even 10% or 20%, of all service jobs could ultimately be moved overseas.
"Hey Hoss, get me some bargain basement darkie accountants. Real soon, now, here!"

RTO, my red sphincter.

22 January 2025

I Told You So - 22 January 2025 [more detail]

Well... that didn't take long. Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists didn't establish a new Office of Media Integrity (yet), but
Amid a deluge of executive actions, the Trump administration has asked federal health agencies to pause external communications, such as regular scientific reports, updates to websites and health advisories, according to sources within the agencies.
The Fascists smell blood. We can't have true facts that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists wish to deny come floating out of agencies, now can we?

[more detail]
"As the new Administration considers its plan for managing the federal policy and public communications processes, it is important that the President's appointees and designees have the opportunity to review and approve any regulations, guidance documents, and other public documents and communications (including social media)," [Acting HHS Secretary] Fink said in the memo.
And, for those who've forgotten
During Trump's first administration, a federal health official said political appointees pushed to change language of weekly science reports released by the CDC during the Covid-19 pandemic so they wouldn't undermine the president's political messaging.
Remember when Birx kept her mouth shut when Kim Don-Felon advised inhaling bleach? One might wonder what's next.

20 January 2025

On The Chopping Block

Well... let's see if this effort survives Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists. I mean, it's very existence "proves" climate change is no hoax. And, of course, the Damn Gummint is subsidizing progress in another traitorous Blue state.

I wonder... will the sub-GED crowd understand the thermodynamics involved? I don't think so, either.
Eversource, which has a recent grant from Department of Energy and HEET, is already in talks to add more homes to the loop.
tldr; It's a geothermal network, aka ground sourced heat pump. The yoga studio I used to attend had one, the building was into the side of a hill, so the piping ran horizontally into the hill. The name of the unit is WaterFurnace, and it was running when I first went there three decades ago. The innterTubes say the company's been in business since 1983, so I guess it's not some fly-by-night scam.

Nixon, Jr.

If you're old enough, you know about Nixon's enemies list. Ain't no sore loser like a Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnut. So, here's a bet (no moolah involved).

Now that Sleepy Joe has handed out preemptive pardons like Halloween candy, what's a Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists to do? Well... the answer is easy. Have The Musk Ox sue each and every one of them to the hilt. The pardon only exempts the person from federal criminal prosecution. The Musk Ox can sue the bejesus out of all of them, and only find his networth diminish by a rounding error. The Musk Ox can afford it, and the suits can bankrupt some number of the Enemies. You read it here first.
This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.
Ya think Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists might have kept a note? Did LBJ, or any other strongman Democrat, do this? Not that history currently remembers.

I Brook No Dissent

Today's NYT (dead trees division) has a pundit fest, topic being Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists version 2. David Brooks is among them, and, once again, reveals himself to be a Waffler.

He rides his recent hobby horse: the sub-GED knuckledraggers are put-upon Good Guys persecuted by the educated folks.
It's a turn away from rule by the educated class to rule by people who think the educated class is self-serving and incompetent.
Like hydroxychloroquine being the cure of Covid-19 came from the mouths of educated elite? And so on. All Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists offers the sub-GED class is Class Warfare.
I'll revert to my core theory of the last decade. Trump is the wrong answer to the right question. He became president because over the last many decades we in the educated class built a system that is rigged. The children of affluent parents have advantages at every step of the way &mash; from preschool through college and the job market. And we passed a series of immigration, trade and education policies that benefit us, and hurt those without our degrees. High-school-educated people die eight years sooner. They have many fewer friends. They marry less and divorce more.
Of course, this applies only to the Ivy League and the near-to. I've not the total count off the top of my bean, but the Pundit Class has pointed out that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists has been filling his administration from the Ivy League ruling class. Not the sub-GED knuckledraggers. Of course, the sub-GED class are so stupid, they buy his grift that he's on their side. He only uses them as cannon fodder in their War on intelligence. While it is true that private college is expensive, the so-called Land Grant Colleges, aka State U, were created just so that poor families' kids could get better education than their parents. That's been true in Blue states; Red states are more interested in spending hundreds of millions of Bongo Bucks on football and hoop. Show's where their priorities are.

Of course, Brooks never does assert that a country runs better when the ruling class is from the sub-GED knuckledraggers. Of course, not.
The Biden administration was built on the theory that if you redistribute huge amounts of money to people and places left behind, they will return to the Democratic fold. It didn't happen because you can't use money to solve a problem primarily about recognition and respect.
Many things wrong with that excuse. First, if Uncle Sugar sends Bongo Bucks to Red states, with no strings attached, what's the odds that they'll use the money to facilitate better access to material education for the poor? Zero. Second, it's been the Right Wing Economist's mantra going back to Adam Smith, that a worker's wages are only what the employer decides they're worth. So, employers (the true ruling class) always decide that sub-GED knuckledraggers ain't be worth a shit. They always have, and always will. There's a reason they ship jobs to slave wage dictatorships, and hire sub-GED knuckledraggers for shit jobs. That's all such jobs are worth.

And, of course, the sub-GED class continues to elect politicians (at all levels of Damn Gummint) who play to the Culture War, but not to offering them better education and healthcare and such. And, why, exactly, should the the sub-GED class deserve "recognition and respect" from the Rest of Us when what they say and do is God Damned Stupid 99.44% of the time? How should this "recognition and respect" be manifest? "Congratulations on passing the biggest stool of the week in this here county"? A gold Participation in Life trophy for all? Anathema to the Right Wingnuts, and they've said so enough times. Yes global climate change is a hoax because The Bible says that God won't send another Flood? Riddle me that Batman. Again, I say, the Right Wingnuts have always been driven by the mantra that you get what you can earn. If you don't know your ass from your elbow, you won't earn much.

Party likes it's 1829!! That notion wins votes from the simple minded (but more voted for someone not named Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists than voted for him; aka no majority), but does little to cure what ails the simple minded.

Mellencamp put it perfectly:
The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led astray.
We live there now.

16 January 2025

Thought For The Day - 16 January 2025

Well... even the proposed Treasury Secretary lies. So far as I've looked so far, not one interrogator has the stones to ask the vital question
Sir, when was, and the value of, the last payment from China (or any foreign government) or any Chinese company (ditto) received by Treasury to pay their tariff bill?
The answers, of course, are never and 0.

He just babbled the usual Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts mantra that all will get better for all if the rich get even richer. I wonder if the fact that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists are building an administration of Phat Cats is penetrating the heads of the MAGAnauts? Populist? Only an idiot would buy that.

No Fucking Way

The headline reads:
They voted for Trump. Now they might be hit by 'catastrophic' education cuts.
(The piece is labeled 'for subscribers', and I'm not so far as I know, but I still got in. YMMV)

Anyone who believes that headline is a Limp Wristed Lunatic Lefty. The whole point of Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists is to degrade the Blue States into Red States, but leave the Red States in their current state of corruption. Remember: The Gang of Six© has ruled that Kim Don-Felon and his Merry Band of Fascists (and Sleepy Joe for that matter, who chose not to act) can do anything within the Administrative State that he feels like; this Unitary Executive bullshit. That will include not spending money as a means of paranoic punishing his assumed enemies. And they're mostly in Blue States. And it means that he can direct the lowest level GS worker what to do. Of course, Schedule F will put the administrative civil service into the political appointee box. Andy Jackson will be proud.

And the punishment will be meted out across the whole of the Damn Gummint. His mouthpieces have already said that they'll demand their pound, or ten, of flesh for aid to California.
A group of House Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump talked about tying wildfire aid to a debt ceiling increase Sunday night
And, I guarantee, that'll only be the beginning of the extortion. No more woke. No more welfare. No more vaccines. No more DEI. And so on. The Garden of Eden for the robber barons, shitholes for the rest.

14 January 2025


Regular reader well knows my view of Gina Kolata: the Tess Harding (look it up!) of the real world. In today's dead trees NYT, comes a scorched earth assessment of RFK and MAHA. Not that you or I would be shocked (Shocked!! I say!!!) at the conclusions of the piece.

Suffice it to say: Again?? As if the 19th century, and even the first half of the 20th were some Garden of Healthy Eden here in smoking, drinking, tubercular, STD wreaked USofA. As mentioned here a few times, if, in the 1800s, one were really ill, one took ship to Europe for real healthcare and hope you got there in time to make a difference. They not be much in the Colonies. And there wasn't. Give a guess when the medical license came to be ................... Well... it's complicated. It is claimed that the Constitution left regulation (if at all) of doctors to the States separately. The claim is based on the tenth amendment (which has been used for all sorts of reactionary purposes)
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
According to the wiki page, Illinois was the first to take steps 1877. Other sources mention North Carolina in the 1850s. Either way, it wasn't until 1910 with the Flexner Report that common sense regulation of healthcare (mostly, the physicians) began to take hold. Again???

So, back to Gina's report.
Dr. Jeremy Greene, a historian at Johns Hopkins University, asked: "Which particular era does R.F.K. want to take us back to?"
Yeah, good question.A

And, of course, the MAGAnauts make a lot of it up. There's a line from a L&O:CI episode: "He's got Irish Alzheimer's. He only remembers the bad parts." (More or less, from memory.) The MAGAnauts, of course, re-write history such that the Good Times have always been when they had the power and the Bad Times when Democrats did.
"There's a long history in America of nostalgia for a past that was better than the present," [Dr. Greene] said. "History is all about erasure — the things we don't choose to remember."
Again?? As mentioned in these essays a few times, extension of life expectancy at birth since, say 1900, hasn't been that geezers have been living decades longer since 1900 to now, but that most folks these days don't die off from disease or accident or such before reaching 65 or so. And most of that extension happened after WWII, thanks (wait for it...) vaccines. Fuck you, Bobby. If you made it to 65 back then, you (on average) lived about as long as you will today. Esp. if you avoid smoking and drinking and screwing anything that walks. Keep it in your pants, buddy!

[update 14 Jan. 2025] here
"I think there is common cause, as I mentioned, in this idea of making America healthy again, if that's really the goal," Ricks said.
The Ricks in question is the CEO of Lilly. And, clearly, a Trump dick sucker.

11 January 2025

It's Mine, All Mine

Well... turns out that Garfield 2.0 lies about who built the Panama Canal. Bet you thought that wasn't possible. Everyone knows the USofA built it, right? Teddy Roosevelt and all that? Well... and the US Army intervention in the creation of "Panama" in the first instance.

So, we made it, kinda sorta back in 1914. And all was well with the world. Then the Peanut Farmer decided to go all Limp Wristed Lefty and give it back the Panamanians (who were really just Colombians). Pissed off soonToBePresident Huey Long 2024©.

So now, Mad Dictator Don goes bizarro over Greenland and the Canal and the Gulf. A full blown crackup is on the docket.

Turns out, the current Canal (to all intensive porpoises) is not what was built ~1914, but what was built by 2016, without any USofA moolah. Look it up here. So, fuck you Drumpf.

08 January 2025

Thought For The Day - 8 January 2025

So, what will Batshit J. Moron demand from CA for FEMA assistance with the wildfires? An end to Woke in all schools? An end to climate change legislation? An end to DEI by both the Damn Gummint and Bidnezz in the state? Elevation of The Musk Ox to Governor? And such.

Corruption, thy name is Drumpf.

04 January 2025


Some folks are beyond stupid. Here's an example (paywalled) but you can read the lede, which is all that matters.
After hitting a post-covid all-time high in real estate sales in 2020, total sales per year are still declining on Block Island, even as individual property values continue to increase.
In the first place, 2020 wasn't close to being "post-covid". Not within a country mile; 2020 launched the pandemic. What the hell; it's just a Chamber of Commerce small town organ. But, more to the point: sales nearly always decline when price goes up. It's the bedrock understanding of Econ 101. While more than is healthy, there is a limited number of billionaires (fighting for their rightful place in paradise) and there is also a limited amount of dirt on teeny Block Island (no match for the Vineyard and Nantucket). The landed gentry of Block Island continues to sell off holdings piecemeal to Big City rich folk.

If anything, two week in the summer 10,000 square foot "cottages" on the Island are so valuable one might expect sales to always be increasing. Well... unless the Island's landed gentry is running out of inventory to sell. Not to mention water.

03 January 2025

Bring Out Your Dead!

ah well
Five members so far have skipped their turn to vote, putting the chamber into suspense about whether Mike Johnson can secure the votes for speaker on the first ballot.
Cannibalism is all the rage these days among Evangelical Reactionary Radical Right Wingnuts.

02 January 2025

Musk, Meet Chickens

Well... it looks like the chickens have come home to roost.

Tesla posts its first-ever annual sales drop.
-- Chris Isidore/2025
Destroy Twitter, buy a chucklehead President, make cars that hit people, suck up billions of Bongo Bucks from Uncle Sugar (while claiming that he's a bespoke Genius), and so on. May have worn out your welcome. Go back to the shithole country you came from.
Shares of Tesla (TSLA) fell more than 4% in early trading on the weak sales report. But they closed 2024 up 68% for the year. Almost all of that gain came after Election Day, as investors bet that Tesla will benefit from policies under the incoming Trump administration, given the key support for the president-elect from CEO Elon Musk.
Badges?? We don't need no stinkin badges!!! We got the Boss by the nuts. He'll give us anything we want. Well... and the rest of the billionaires.