02 June 2024

By The Numbers - part the fifty fourth

From time to time, I have a look at the level of the Quabbin Reservoir, since it's the source of water for Boston and a rather significant number of neighboring towns (much of the territory inside 128). I do this so I can laugh at the stupidity of the MARF(party like it's 1115) crowd over-building in the Desert West; not just McMansions with endless lawns, but golf courses and semi-fabs, too. So, that's the table going back to 2005, and you'll see that the lowest level was 79.1% of capacity in 2017.

I grew up in the Western, aka Forgotten, part of the state through the mid 70s, and we (which is to say most of New England) had only one lengthy period of low water (as far back as records go, of course) from our reservoir (in the same general area as Quabbin, which also ran low) in the mid 60s.
Over a hundred years ago, people had the foresight to build really robust systems that are still in service today.
-- Josh Schimmel
Not like the MARF(party like it's 1115) crowd who prefer to take and waste, of course. I recall reading some Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts years ago complaining about what is now labeled DEI, and opining that if such continued, 'we'll all look like Brazilians!!', aka Beige. Funny thing is, those Desert West Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts have been doing the industrial equivalent of slash and burn for decades, just like Brazilians.

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