29 June 2024


Well, The Gang of Six has played from the first tee of Project 2025, deep sixing sanity and honesty in governance. What surprised the shit out of me when I found out about Chevron was just how ridiculously recent it was/is: 1984. Any government that would put technical matters into the hands of illiterate and innumerate judges is beyond stupid.

The immediate effect, and you can bet your Bippy that the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnut judges will be going full force on Monday, will be to abolish any regulation they don't like. The Gang of Six say they can. Say good bye to clean air, clean water, and consumer protection. Climate change will officially be a hoax. We, as a nation, will return to the thrilling days of yesteryear: the lawless Wild West. Social Dqrwinism will rule. Now, couple that with the intrusion of computerized automation in all production, and the American Capitalist will soon enough rue the day they promoted these asshats. We already see the increasing use of capital in production, and the resulting lowering of labor's share. Ever more automation leads to either, 1) more product with the same amount of labor, or 2) more or less constant output with reduced labor. Guess which the typical American Capitalist prefers?

The immediate, and only, cause of Great Recessions and Great Depressions is collapse of demand. And, of course, collapse of demand derives from loss of GDP from labor. Which is what MARF(party like it's 1115) is all about. But, with The Gang of Six now in control, Don Jr. will take over if wannaBePresident Huey Long 2024 keels over. No election result will be abided. The American Kim.

I bet you think this is satire?

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