13 June 2024

Not Quite

During one of the Celtics-Mavs games, one of the talking heads allowed as how the Joe Barry Carroll (aka, Joe Barely Cares) for Parish and McHale was all time greatest (or worst, depending on one's point of view). I was around then, of course, and that didn't sound quite right.

So, I let my fingers do the walking through the Yellow Googles. Red did pull off the heist, but not in a straigtforward manner.
- Yes, he got Parish from Golden State outright
- Not so Yes on JBC: Golden State drafted him with one of the traded picks
- Not so Yes on McHale: Red got him with a traded pick

Ainge gets near to that heist, with Brown and Tatum pure draft picks. He didn't have to steal (although both picks were acquired), but he sure did get it right. Even though, for some time, Celtics Nation insisted that Tatum/Brown was as dumb as Wicks/Rowe. 'Dump 'em both!!!' Not so much.

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