06 June 2024


So the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts in Congress have decided, yet again, to yank us back millennia, not mere centuries, with the blocking of the right to contraception. Note that it wasn't all that long ago (1965) that the Supremes said not getting knocked up was OK. Of course, Uncle Clarence and Alito and the rest want a mulligan on that.

What the Evangelical Radical Right Wingnuts won't admit is that the case of Onan from Genesis (if we make the wild-ass assumption that biblical texts are true histories of actual events - boy howdy), has been contorted by Them into a prohibition on contraception It ain't no such a ting.
Onan's crime is often misinterpreted to be masturbation but it is universally agreed among biblical scholars that Onan's death is attributed to his refusal to fulfill his obligation of levirate marriage with Tamar by committing coitus interruptus.
IOW, pull out, pull out!! We're gonna crash!!!

So, of course, what the hell is 'levirate marriage'? Back about 4000 BCE when the events of Genesis are asserted to have occurred, it meant that a guy was obligated to fuck his dead brother's wife. Now why would that be codified in a religion or society? My take: way back then there were a whole lot fewer folks on the Pale Blue Marble, who were constantly warring over resources, land, slaves, and such. Out fucking your neighbors was a Prime Directive. The need for soldiers and farmers and just surviving adults was the most important thing. No cunt should go to waste. This estimate puts global population at that time at 60-ish million. No refrigerators or iPhones or vibrators.

The ensuing years of much fucking puts us at ~8 billion mouths to feed, and a signficant depletion of arable resources with which to accomplish that. Dry fucking is a Good Thing, these days. Well, if you really, really want to leave your kids and grandkids and further more than just a burnt out cinder of a marble.

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