12 June 2024

Church and State

David French is, by no means, my go-to guy in the NYT op-ed universe. Far from it. Which is why his recent essay hits home. So many homes.

There's been a running battle within the Southern Baptists for years over Purity, but not until this essay was I aware of similar within the Presbyterian flock. But, it ain't so simple: French deals with the PCA, which is not the majority/plurality sect here in the USofA. But, it is described as 'evangelical' in the wiki page.

So, what made me read French's essay? Well... he's feeling a bit of regret.
I am now deemed too divisive to speak to a gathering of Christians who share my faith. I was scheduled to speak about the challenges of dealing with toxic polarization, but I was considered too polarizing.
But, as he says: "The Presbyterian Church in America is a small, theologically conservative Christian denomination". One might wonder whether it is strongly in the lineage of most Presbyterians? That would be for another essay. According to the wiki list, the PCA isn't small within the Presbyterian orbit, actually among the largest sects, and there are many. One might surmise that they are of-a-mind with other evangelical Presbyterian sects with regard to The Orange Trickster and racism and such?
The church as a whole did not respond the way it did when I deployed. Instead, we began encountering racism and hatred up close, from people in our church and in our church school.
The racism was grotesque. One church member asked my wife why we couldn't adopt from Norway rather than Ethiopia.
If ya ain't White, ya ain't Right. Out of the mouth of The Orange Trickster.

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